
Standard #6: Assessment  (PPS Alignment: Assessment of and for Learning)

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.

At the top of this page, summarize the standard in your own words and provide a brief explanation of your perspective on why this standard is important. 

Next, provide at least three artifacts that demonstrate examples of your proficiency with the skills of this standard. These must be artifacts that you created personally. A photograph is not an artifact; however, it can enhance an artifact by showing it in action. For example, you might have created a station rotation activity and include a photograph of students working through station rotation in the classroom. The artifact, though, would be a document that describes the activities at each station.

Each artifact should include a description, an explanation of how it connects to the standard, and a reflection on the effectiveness/applicability of this artifact to the standard.