Hollins University ePortfolio Guidelines

The Hollins University Student Teacher ePortfolio site is a place for pre-service teachers to showcase their knowledge of and skills with each of the core teaching standards through pictures, videos, and  other exemplary artifacts. The ePortfolio framework is based on the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Model Core Teaching Standards, which are grouped into the following categories:

  1. The Learner and Learning
  2. Content Knowledge
  3. Instructional Practice
  4. Professional Responsibility

You can use this ePortfolio model site as a support to help you identify which pages you must add to your own ePortfolio and to develop a better understanding of the types of content expected on each page.

Your Home page should include the following components:

  1. Header:
    • Your Name
    • Your Licensure
  2. Body:
    • A professional photo of yourself
    • A brief bio
    • Your interests/hobbies (optional)
    • Your teaching goals
    • Your Teaching Philosophyy (link plus a brief summary)
  3. Footer:
    • Your Contact Information
  4. Menu (left sidebar or top):
    • Links to the four main InTASC categories, with sub-menu items to each InTASC standard